seeeeecun ver.: Youtube mirror

See-kun's songs always have such odd names. Is there a comma in there? Or maybe a 's?! Come on dude.

"No doubt about it."
That arrangement understood only by you was well-featured.
From where nothing difficult happens,
A night where anything can unfold.
Please look up the first steps of those things you don't understand.
"Where the hell did that even come from?"

If I say,
"Yes?" "Yes?" "Yes?"
"Yes?" "Yes?" "Yes?"
"So, though you never heard about it before...?"
"Yes?" "Yes?" "Yes?"
"Yes?" "Yes?" "Yes?"
"So, everything's alright in your home, right...?"

"I'm fed, I guess." Again, like this,
1人と2人と消えていく 今生が
One, two people vanish from this world.

【Let me Let me Let me do the fire】
Let me, let me, let me do the fire!
憂いのスタイル 愁の万有
A sorrowful style, the distress of all creation.
Throw your virtue away together with your life.
まだ泣いてて 咲いてる?
Are you still crying, blooming?
まだ待ってて そろそろゆくから
Because you're still waiting, slowly moving forward.
そう 廃 排 背 灰
Right. Yes, yes, yes, yes.2

Like that,
【Let me Let me Let me do the fire】
Let me, let me, let me do the fire!
間違ったスタイル 愁のデーモンよ
A mistaken style, a distressed demon.
Throw your virtue away together with your life.
Crying and shouting, speak out.
"I'm not a 'thing'."

そう 「ハイ」「ハイ」「ハイ」「ハイ」
Right. "Yes." "Yes." "Yes." "Yes."3

"How pitiful."
"At work, there's no water or tea or anything to drink."
"Whether bitter or sweet, do not leave those things out."
This boiling-like wavering feeling of futility, without it, under the blazing sun,
A monster borrowing the authority of the "customer."

If I say,
"Yes?" "Yes?" "Yes?"
"Yes?" "Yes?" "Yes?"
"So, though you never heard about it before...?"
"Yes?" "Yes?" "Yes?"
"Yes?" "Yes?" "Yes?"
その目ん玉 飾りなんでしょうか?
Are those eyeballs of yours just for decoration?

"I'm fed, I guess." Again, like this,
1人と2人と消えていく もうすぐだ
One, two people disappear soon enough.

【Let me Let me Let me do the fire】
Let me, let me, let me do the fire!
憂いのスタイル 愁の晩年 痩せ細っていて
A sorrowful style, those distressful final years, slowly withering away.
まだ泣いてて 「聞いてる?」
Still crying, saying "are you hearing me?"

まだ待ってて そろそろゆくから
Because you're still waiting, slowly moving forward.
そう 廃 排 背 灰
Right. Yes, yes, yes, yes.2

Like that,
【Let me Let me Let me do the fire】
Let me, let me, let me do the fire!

間違ったスタイル 愁の今世
A mistaken style, the distress of the current generation.
Throw your virtue away together with your life.
Crying and shouting, speak out.
"We are not 'things'."
そう 「ハイ」「ハイ」「ハイ」「ハイ」
Right. "Yes." "Yes." "Yes." "Yes."3

We are gods of gods!!
Call me gods!! Call me gods!!
Party!! Sit down!! Party!! Sit down!!

We are gods of gods!!
Call me gods!! Call me gods!!
Party!! Sit down!! Party!! Sit down!!

It's becoming fruitless, right? Long past apathetic, right?
Again, talking is useless, right?
そちらの世界は ホントの神はいたかい?
In that world over there, I wonder if god truly exists?

【Let me Let me Let me do the fire】
Let me, let me, let me do the fire!
憂いのスタイル 愁の万有
A sorrowful style, the distress of all creation.
Throw your virtue away together with your life.
まだ泣いてて 咲いてる?
Are you still crying, blooming?
まだ待ってて そろそろゆくから
Because you're still waiting, slowly moving forward.
そう 廃 排 背 灰
Right. Yes, yes, yes, yes.2

Like that,
【Let me Let me Let me do the fire】
Let me, let me, let me do the fire!
間違ったスタイル 愁のデーモンよ
A mistaken style, a distressed demon.
Throw your virtue away together with your life.
Crying and shouting, speak out.

"We are not 'things'."

そう 「ハイ」「ハイ」「ハイ」「ハイ」
Right. "Yes." "Yes." "Yes." "Yes."3

修羅 怒罵 不運 不運 修羅 怒罵 不運 不運 (x8)
Strife, insult, misfortune. Strife, insult, misfortune. (x8)

1Rather than "first steps", a more literal translation would be "ones and twos" or "first and second steps". However since "first steps" has a more broad meaning in English than just the literal first step (unlike Japanese's 一つ), I decided to shorten it for the sake of keeping the line readable.
2See-kun really likes words that are read the same but mean different things. The 4 kanji (some of them aren't even words) mean completely different things but are read the same ("hai"). In order: 廃 (abolish, abandon, discard), 排 (prefix meaning "anti-"), 背 (more often back or spine, but can also be the often more figurative "rear side"; interestingly, this one is not read as any of the words it usually represents but rather with its onyomi), 灰 (ashes). I went with the more simple meaning of "hai" here (はい, "yes") since this kanji mess is pretty much untranslatable and this reading seems intended.
3We get another "hai" here with「ハイ」which of course means "yes" and that seems to be the intended meaning going from the MV, but it could also be read as "high", as a katakana transliteration of the English word (or is it a loan word at this point? Dunno).